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Life updates for 2018

By May 17, 2018January 8th, 2024No Comments
Sunrise over Hong Kong Victoria Harbour

We’ve made some huge changes over the last few months and now that the dust has begun to settle, we’re ready to tell you guys all about our life updates for 2018.

Bye bye Hong Kong

As some of you may already know, we’ve departed from Hong Kong – a city we’ve called home for the past two and a half years. We originally only planned to stay for a year but ended up loving it so much we extended it for another 18 months. Honestly if it wasn’t for our next adventure (more on this below) we wouldn’t have left.

Hong Kong has been very special to us in a number of ways. It was here that we learned about our family roots, made many new friends, further developed our skills in photography and writing, and connected with so many of you. It’s thanks to you that we were able to start making a living through travelling and photographing the world. We want to give you all a heartfelt thank you for following our adventure so far and we hope you enjoy what’s coming up next.

Full-time travellers

So what is next? Well, we’ve decided to go all in and pursue the dream of continuous travelling. This meant we had to quit our day jobs (yet again). Doing so will allow us to focus on creating more travel content on this blog and provide as much value to you as we possibly can.

Next destination: Japan

With the flexibility to be anywhere in the world, we decided to head straight for Japan. We fell in love with the country back when we travelled here in 2016 and knew this was a country we wanted to spend an extensive amount of time in. With that said, we’re happy to announce that we’ll be based in Japan for an entire year! This will give us the opportunity to explore the multiple regions, multiple seasons and get to know the country and its locals on a much deeper level.

We’ll have a rough itinerary of where we’ll be up on the blog soon as well as how we managed to plan and organise this trip.

In the meantime, if you guys have any questions or know of a particular area we should visit in Japan please drop a comment below, email us or slide into our DM on Instagram.

Happy travels!

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